Practical solutions to be healthy for life

Meet David
David has been speaking and presenting to companies and groups about health and wellbeing since he first started work in the mid-1980s.
In his first job on returning from the United States, where he earned his Masters’ Degree in Exercise Physiology, he helped HBF develop corporate health programs for clients and companies. This required taking complex physiology knowledge and distilling it into understandable, practical and applicable information so clients can take away messages they can apply.
Throughout his varied career, from working in aged care to being a director of a multi-disciplinary allied health clinic, David prides himself on providing practical, real-world advice and guidance to clients. His presentations are designed not just to educate and motivate, but to provide information that people can apply directly to their life.
Physiologist, Speaker & Author
Age well. This session reveals the seven characteristics of people who live a long and fulfilling life. Based on David’s years of working in the Aged Care industry and his first book “If I’d only known I’d live this long,” this session is a great way to learn what changes people can make earlier in life to ensure they age gracefully and with the energy and enthusiasm they desire. He will share stories and lessons from some inspirational “old-timers” to help you discover what is possible as you enter the twilight years. This session is perfect as a keynote or to conclude the Practically Healthy series.
Individual Consultations
As a professional Exercise Physiologist, his passion is to guide you towards a healthier lifestyle. Everybody is unique, with their own strengths and limitations. David's method is to build a custom plan based on your health, schedule and more importantly, lifestyle goals. He aims to transform your body and influence you to make more mindful decisions when it comes to your living longer.
My Speaking Topics

David Beard's book covers the areas of health, nutrition, fitness and activity, relationships, purpose and passion, money and of course expectations and attitudes to growing older. It's a must read for anyone who plans to live a long time and enjoy it.
Written in a simple, easy-to-read style, this book is a delightful gift, for anyone at any age who wants to make the rest of their life the best it can be.
My Clients